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    鋁水轉運包 Laddle Carrier     en▼


    通常鑄鐵的鋁水包非常容易受到侵蝕而損壞,而陶瓷纖維轉運包則不受侵蝕。使用陶瓷纖維轉運包溫降一般在5℃以下。出廠前,陶瓷纖維鋁水轉運包表面都涂有專門的耐火涂層, 以適用于各種鋁合金。


    Standard Ladles: 25kg, 40kg, 60kg, 80kg 


    ALFISO ladle carrier is transfering ladle for molten aluminium handling in high pressure die casting plant, to replace the heavy cast-iron ladle, provides low weight, excellent thermal insulation and non-wetting properties. The steel basket inside make the ladle carrier strong enough to hold and transfer necessary molten aluminium from melting furnace to holding furnace for casting.

    The corrosion which can be mainly observed with metal ladle, does not occur with vacuum formed ceramic fiber ladle carrier. The loss of temperature is only approx. 5℃. As standard, before delivery a coating is applied to all ladle carriers, which is also suitable for very saline alloys.

    Ceramic fiber ladle carriers are available to be repaired with our mastic APO50/100, 

    Standard Ladles: 25kg, 40kg, 60kg, 80kg 


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